Genetics, birth, weight gain and aging cause loosening, sagging and wrinkles in the vaginal area. With the Barbie Vagina surgery, the inner lips are reduced, the outer lips look fluffy, and the vagina becomes tighter.
Barbie Vagina surgery consists of four procedures;
Labiaplasty; It is an aesthetic operation that is applied on the inner lips, which is one of the genital area organs, and aims to eliminate the deformations that occur later or congenitally. Over time, conditions such as elongation, sagging and irregularity may develop in the inner lips of the genital area and these undesirable conditions are eliminated by the labiaplasty operation.
Hudoplasty (Clitoris Aesthetics) aesthetics is usually performed together with the Labiaplasty procedure. After the labiaplasty process reduces the inner lips and gives them a beautiful appearance, Hudoplasty aesthetics removes the wrinkles in the upper clitoris area and gives this area a more aesthetic appearance. Hudoplasty surgery is recommended for patients who have labiaplasty aesthetics.
Labia Fat Transfer is an adjunctive procedure for volumisation and contouring in aesthetic gynecology, it is also increasingly popular for patients who ask for ‘puffing’ up the labia majora to give a more youthful appearance to the outer lips.
Vaginoplasty is a procedure that restores and improves the appearance and function of the vagina. Giving birth and aging are the two main reasons causing the vaginal laxity. This enlargement causes some problems both functionally and psychologically. Vaginoplasty, rejuvenates and tightens the vagina and perineum (the area between the vulva and the anus), ultimately boosting both your sex life and your confidence.
For more information on our Turkey aesthetic gynecology prices or packages, contact us on 08502183620 or send us an email from